Setting dreamy goals ✨
It’s wild to say that I've been a full-time artist for over a year now! The time flew by and has been the most creatively fulfilling year of my life.
Last month I went to a yoga retreat with Elizabeth Gilbert. It focused on creativity and I had a wonderful time! I spent the weekend reflecting on what I want to make of my newfound life as an artist now that I’ve nestled into it a bit.
Right as I was journaling about this, a little butterfly landed on my hand! It was so wild. I had just come up with the idea to take an art class a week for a year (a mini MFA). It sat on me for a solid 10 minutes. It was magical.
Side note: during the retreat I gave Liz a copy of my book as a thank you and she kept it on stage and I proceeded to freak out.

After that weekend I came up with some new goals and looked back at goals I set for the year.
A few dreamy art goals:
Have my art in the New York Times or New Yorker
Have my art on the subway
Publish a children's book about climate
I think of a dreamy goal as something that is not entirely out of reach and that the 5-year-old version of myself would be so proud of.
What are your dreamy goals?
Really, I want to know! Email me 😊
Some goals I set in January:
Grow Twitter to 15K (done!)
Grow newsletter to 3K (there are 2,700 of you here so that is totally going to happen!)
Work on 2nd book, maybe around a children’s theme (I’m almost done my coloring book about clean energy)
It’s cool to see that I’m on track/have met a few already!

A few of my other art goals that I also listed were:
Take a pottery class
Go to Happy Medium art cafe (if anyone wants to go together, shoot me a message!)
Go to figure drawing class
Take an in person art class maybe at the New School (going to try to do one in the Spring)
I haven’t done any of those yet sooo I’ll have to get busy these next few months!
Coloring book updates
I’m almost finished with my coloring book on clean energy! I have 48 pages done and 2 more to go. If you’d like to get an advance copy to give feedback, shoot me a message!
I’m still finalizing the title and have narrowed it down to 2 (very similar ideas). If you have other thoughts I’m all ears too!
Option 1: Electrify Everything: The Clean Energy Coloring Book
Options 2: The Clean Energy Coloring Book
Here are a few new pages I love!
Creative Recommendations
This was a hit, so it’s going to be a regular section!
This Skillshare class on Botanical Illustrations by Sara Boccaccini Meadows.
Speaking of botanical illustrations, there’s a free botanical drawing class in NY here.
One of my favorite New Yorker cartoonists, Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell (who did my birthday workshop), is hosting an event at the Strand called Sketchy Book Club that sounds so fun!
This article on how art that integrates data visualizations can help bridge the US political divide over climate change. Truly obsessed with this article.
This TED talk on bringing humor to business with cartoons from the Marketoonist.
I will always love Elizabeth Gilbert’s book on creativity called Big Magic.
Ways to support me:
Buy yourself something from my shop- my book, a t-shirt, a mug, a print, a onesie. Whatever your little heart may desire
my OG climate stripes dress
Get on the waitlist for my coloring book here.
I’m open for contract work or commissions. I help climate organizations simplify their messaging into pretty art!
Ok my climate cuties, that’s all for today!