1 week until the coloring book launch!
Eep! My coloring book about clean energy goes live in 1 week.
Last week I announced it would launch in 2 weeks, which was a surprise to both you and me. As a result, it has been a whirlwind of a week 😅
I had one more round of feedback to process and thought it would be a quick revision. Turns out, it wasn’t that quick. I spent the week making several new pages, reordering the structure, and modifying the color scheme of the cover (thanks to everyone who voted!).
I really love how it’s turned out and am getting the final proof Friday. It takes a few days to go through Amazon’s approval process so I should be ready to rock next week.
I first started working on the book on April 27th. That means it only took 4 months to finish this whole book. It will have 50 pages in it, but I created about 70 pages and cut it down to my favorites.
It sounds fast and like a ton of work, but it didn’t feel like work for a minute. I loved making it so, so much.
I created 15 “climate mandalas” for the book and the process of making mandalas is inherently very meditating and calming. I often would make these at the end of the day or late at night before bed.
I did find myself working strange hours for this book which I don’t love. Especially this week when I was up late in a college-final-crunch-time-esque state.
The past week, I’ve found myself worried about making this book perfect. Luckily I come from a tech background and I’ve always loved the process of making a MVP (a minimum viable product). The idea is that a MVP doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs to work so you can get feedback and improve.
Instead of putting pressure on myself for this book to be ~perfect~, I’m trying to think of it as a MVP for a series on coloring books about climate change!
In reality, this book is much more polished than a MVP. But this MVP idea gives me permission to feel it’s ready for the world to see it, rather than get stuck in the land of perfectionism!
As a special thank you to my paying subscribers, you are going to be the first people to have access to the book! Just scroll to the bottom of the email to download a free digital copy of the book.
This way, you can print them out and have a limitless amount of climate coloring fun.
If you’d like to upgrade to being an official ~patron of the climate arts~, you’ll receive the free copy as well!
Creative Resources
These are my favorite art notebooks. They’re just the right size/texture for both note-taking at events and sketching on the go!
“Learning to Surrender” meditation by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer. I have listened to this meditation hundreds of times over the years, Sarah’s voice is so soothing. I also love Insight Timer in general, it’s my favorite meditation app.
This Apartment Therapy tour on Youtube. I love watching Apartment Therapy tours (partially bc I just moved and need inspo). They’re such great ways to see the creative ways people express themselves in their homes.
Live to 100- Blue Zones documentary on Netflix. It’s beautiful to see vignettes of people from all over the world who are living happy, long lives.
Ways to support me:
Buy yourself something from my shop- my book, a mug, a onesie. Whatever your little heart may desire

I’m open for commissions. I help climate organizations simplify their messaging into pretty art!
I do climate art workshops! I customize these workshops to your group- these are a fun team-building activity.
Please enjoy this giddy unboxing video 😅
Ok my climate cuties! Can’t wait for you to see this book soon 🎉